Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It’s So Easy to Say It’s So Hard

Thinking of the big picture makes enterprise social software very intimidating, almost overwhelming. What do we need? How will it work? Who can we trust? Like any project, it is vital to understand the goals you want to accomplish.

The Purpose of Enterprise Social Software

The primary reason to use social media within a company is to improve quality and efficiency. Isn’t that the reason for all the tools you use at work? Today many individuals work is collaborative. Making it easier to find the right individuals and simpler to work together improves efficiency. Being able to discover experts, and information, that helps you with your current task helps improve quality. A person doesn’t have to struggle to find an answer when they can ask an expert. The purpose is improvement, and this improvement occurs through better communication and collaboration on an as-needed basis.
There are additional benefits and some will be more tangible than others. An organization’s use of social media may help foster a culture that will appeal to potential employees. The use of social tools at a company will influence how the company is perceived, especially by younger workers who are used to the type of interaction the tools enable.

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