Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Are Food Trucks So Much Fun?

I got to eat from a new food truck for lunch today. It was the first time I saw The Fast Italian and I am so glad I gave it a try. They have great service and I really enjoyed the food. It was also the best deal I've had for lunch in quite a while. For only $5.75 I got a sandwich, potato salad, chips, cookie, water, and a mint. It doesn't look like @theFASTitalian is tweeting much so I hope I can learn how to keep track of the truck's location.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Future is Social and Integrated

I've been waiting for Google to make a big splash in the social space. In fact, the original inspiration for this blog was iGoogle Social Features. What seems to be working for Google isn't the big news items like Wave or Buzz. Google has put several pieces together and until recently I didn't see the whole picture. Then I went to Taco Loco.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If You Can, Please Donate to Help Japan

You can find information on what is happening and how you can help through this page at Google Crisis Response:
2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pledge Signed, Debt Crushed

Thanks to Adaptu and Man vs. Debt I have crushed $1,000 of debt. I think I signed the pledge just because I like the way it sounds to crush debt. Had I been asked to pledge to payoff debt or reduce debt it may have gone unheeded. To crush debt, now that sounds more like it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Play Soccer Like A Twelve Year Old Girl

Tomorrow I coach my first soccer game. I have coached before but I wasn't the head coach. I used to help out as an assistant coach. There have been a couple of games when the head coach wasn't available and I filled in. So I have coached other times. Still, tomorrow will be my first game.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Adaptu - Have You Tried It?

I was reading a post from a personal financial blog and noticed an ad from Adaptu. The ad caught my attention because it was asking for a pledge to eliminate $1,000 in debt. Seems like a good thing to do but why is it a good thing to spend money to advertise? I was shocked when I clicked through to the landing page and found the simplest form I have ever seen online. It asked for First Name and Zip Code. That is all the information they ask for when you take the pledge. How are they going to market to me with just my first name and zip code? Are they really doing this for me, not to collect information about me? How are they going to sell me anything? Why is this worth advertising?